06/30/2015-In Memoriam of Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

In Memoriam

Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

November 25, 1949 – June 11, 2013

Nathaniel Perkins-Ali Image

The NAAFRA family mourns the loss of their colleague, friend, and brother Nathaniel Perkins-Ali. Brother Ali was one of the founding members of NABSIO.org and NAAFRA.org. Brother Ali will long be remembered as a man with principle and passion for people and life.
On the wall in my living room is a picture of Dr. George Washington Carver, one of America’s greatest scientists to evolve out of the American slavery holocaust experience. Under this picture is a quotation I find most appropriate for the task I have set my mind to accomplish, in seeking the accolade in saying farewell to a dearly beloved spiritual son, fellow Afrikan, fellow million Man Marcher, fellow American Veteran, activist, Co-Founder of the National Association of Brothers and Sisters In and Out (NABSIO), The Black Star University (BSU), life member in the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ), member of the Black Wall Street USA, The National Black Children’s Memorial Wall of Remembrance Foundation, Griot Community Incorporated; last but definitely not least, loving husband and awesome farther to his family. In conclusion I find Dr. George Washington Carver’s words spiritually gratifying; “No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him a distinct and legitimate reason for having passed through it.” I don’t think anyone among us would argue that my beloved spiritual son Nathaniel Perkins-Ali failed to leave distinct and legitimate imprints on our spirits that know him.

Bro. Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

Bro. Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

Bro. Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

Bro. Nathaniel Perkins-Ali

SOURCE: Dr. Donald R. Evans, Sr., Founder/President
The National Afrikan Amerikan Family Reunion Association (NAAFRA)
website – www.NAAFRA.org/support.html
email – Dr.DREvans@aol.com

Harrison Ross Mortuary
1839 E. Firestone Boulevard
Los Angeles, Ca. 90001

Funeral Service will be on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 11:00am at:
(Repast will also be at this location)
St. John’s United Methodist Church
1715 Santa Ana Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90002

– Burial Service will follow the Funeral Service at:
Forest Lawn Cemetery
6300 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068

For monetary donations, please deposit in the account listed below:
Nathaniel Perkins Ali Memorial Fund
Wells Fargo Bank Account# 5232754530

All cards and non-monetary gifts can be mailed to:
Nathaniel Perkins-Ali Family
C/O Jason Johnson
1121 Anthony Street
Redlands, CA 92374

A Scholarship Fund will be set up in the near future for his non-profit organization,
National Association of Brothers and Sisters In and Out (NABSIO).